Friday, November 6, 2020


 Our life is a series of transitions.  In the morning we transition from sleep to alertness.  We transition from home to school or work.  We transition from place to place, action to action, and leader to leader.  We even transition from friends and family in order to better protect and live our best lives.  

I was going to write about how watching the sunset can make for a wonderful mood booster.  I was going to talk about the relaxation and the joy watching something so naturally beautiful can be, but in light of some things happening in my personal life and the transition that most Americans are experiencing right now I decided to write a short journal post about a transition that I am going through.  

I grew up in a faith that demanded strict adherence to its set of life.  During the beginning of the pandemic I started to look into it again because it was something stable, concrete, that I could latch onto during these troubling times.  I created some social media accounts to see if I could find a place to fit in and cut out a small community of people of my childhood to see if I still belonged.  I have to admit that my choice to leave the church in my youth might have been the best decision that I ever made.

During this week of political uncertainty I wrote a microblog about how now we need to figure out how to come together and learn how to repair a broken country. I was met with calls of repentance and being told that I am not a Christian because a follower of Christ would never accept people that lived certain ways and had certain beliefs.  It made me laugh at the amount of time I wasted in my youth trying to win the acceptance of a group and always feeling outside of the group.  I do not believe that this group is my tribe and I do not want to be a member of this groups tribe anyway. 

I have always felt way more at ease, way more at home in the woods and hills.  There is a connection there that fills my spirit with a rejuvenating power that I do not get anywhere else.  I have been a borderline pagan for a long time, constantly talking to the land as I work it and leaving small offerings and tokens to the land as I see fit.  There is a peace and an acceptance from the belief that the world is the provider of all mankind and that we should keep Her in our thoughts as we go about our day.  

The world does not judge us or tell us that we are going to perish in hellfire if we don't follow her teachings.  She does not differentiate between one species and another.  She balances the best that she can by making sure that we are provided for.  This is a god that I can honor and why I will be transitioning from the new gods to the old gods in my life.  I am tired of people using their faith and beliefs as a way to control others, and I refuse to be a part of that.  

Sorry for the rant.  I guess I needed a bit of a journal today.  Tomorrow we will talk about some way of connecting to nature.    

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