Thursday, November 5, 2020

One Hour Without Screens

 In today's pandemic driven society we are spending a lot more time on screens than we are off of them.  I have never in my life spent so much time in front of a computer, and I have noticed that it is really taking its toll on me and my psyche.  I guess I am assuming that you all are feeling the same way to some extent if you have read this far but hey I could be wrong.  

Steven Jobs once said in an interview that he doesn't let his kids have screen time at home.  I found this to be very telling, almost like when the person who developed TNT saw the ugliness of his creation and created the Nobel Peace Prize as a counter to the destruction that he unleashed upon the earth.  Screen time is not necessarily a good thing.  One way that we can reconnect to the nature around us is to let go of the computer, tv, phone, tablet, etc... for one hour every day. 

I started to do this one week ago and have found a great increase in my creative power.  I wouldn't say that I have spent every second of my technology free hour outside, but I have done something other than stare at a computer screen.  It has been amazing.  

Some of the activities that I have done while on my technology fast:

  • Read a book
  • Make tea
  • Think
  • Listen to the Birds
  • Go for a walk
  • Clean my house
Like I said I have not done things every time outside or in nature, but I have started to feel a strange relaxation surrounding not being connected to anything.  

The challenge:  Implement One hour every day of zero screen time.  I promise that you will start to feel a change in your mental state after just one week.

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