Sunday, January 24, 2021

Finding My Chords

 One thing that I have learned from starting to work on music production is that sometimes the only thing one needs to change the tune from an almost horrible sounding monstrosity to a happy little ear worm is the right chords.  Sometimes one finds these chords through messing around on the computer, on a keyboard, strumming a guitar, or just taking a nap.  

In my personal life I have been dealing with some borderline depression.  This week has been especially bad as I felt a bit like I was on an island and nobody was coming to rescue me, this three hour tour was supposed to be over already by the way....   Let me off this island so I can get back to living.  In regards to life I have been a poorly keyed song.  There is just something off about my chord progression and I am almost unlistenable.  (Sorry there are a lot of references there and I don't even know what I am trying to say anymore.)

Yesterday I was sitting at home, working on some music, when I felt the need to emote.  And not like an emoticon emote but an actual heartfelt need for some sentiment.  I picked up a ukulele that I had bought almost 20 years ago and just started plucking for inspiration.  There was something about the sound of those strings that took me to a different place. I was transported to college where I first heard that sound, I was transported to a remote island and plucking strings under a palm tree in the sand, I was taken away from my shitty existence and placed somewhere else.  It was nice. It made me feel like I was genuinely happy, and that was a nice feeling.  The other good thing about life is that as I was plucking these strings I came up with an idea for a new song which really made me happy, though defeated the point as I was trying to finish my current song.  

My biggest take away from this experience is sometimes we just need to take some time to pluck for inspiration.  We need to sometimes take some time to try new things, try things outside of the box, and find ourselves in the strange.  I am glad that I had this experience because it did help me to learn more about what it takes to find yourself when the world seems the darkest.  

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